Tuesday, August 7, 2012

About this Blog

For the past years, since I really broke out with acne as an adolescent, I've had the compulsive urges to pick at the bumps on my skin. I used to spend up to 20 minutes in the bathroom, searching for and picking at pimples. The habit has taken a bigger hit on my self-esteem than my skin, which is saying something.
I've come a long way since middle school. Now going into my sophomore year of college, I spend no more than 2 minutes in front of the mirror a day, on a bad day. On a good day, I may not even look in the mirror at all. That is something to thank God for.

I've joined a site of people with similar habits called "Stoppickingonme.org" It's an amazing site that is a huge support for people with compulsive skin-picking. So why this blog then? I need a sense of being accountable. I don't like to talk to people I come into contact with in my day-to-day life about my shameful behaviors, but I need to feel like I'm being held accountable by people other than myself.

I will post my progress here in this blog, starting tomorrow. Your comments and encouragement is deeply appreciated and welcomed. 

Until tomorrow, my readers, I shall pray. If you find it in your heart, I would appreciate your prayers as well. 



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